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Pall-Ex team tackles Big Bag Challenge to support local charity

Pall-Ex staff proved they are charity champions after taking on Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland’s Big Bag Challenge to donate £600 worth of goods to its winter campaign.

Workers at the logistic giant’s head office in Ellistown, Leicestershire, donated 30 bags full of items, including clothing, shoes, DVDs, books and more.

Every item donated will be used to replenish stock in Age UK shops across the region.

With the average Big Bag donation being worth £20, the team has collectively raised £600 to support the charity’s services, which provide older people with advice and support, from tackling loneliness to helping to improve later life health care.

Pall-Ex’s Marketing Manager, Abby Langley, knows the importance of engaging with local charities, she says: “At Pall-Ex, we understand the importance of our local charities, and we try to support as many as we can.

“Staff were asked to rummage through their cupboards, lofts and spare rooms at home and fill the giant Age UK bags with unwanted items.

"It was a great incentive to clear out all our unwanted items knowing they would be put to good use and the funds raised would feed back into the local community.”

Nikky Miles, of Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland, says: “We are affiliated to Age UK, however, we are not a branch of a national charity but an independent, local, registered charity. The distinction comes in the local focus of what we do - we raise funds locally, we campaign locally and we support local older people.

“I have to say a huge thanks to Pall-Ex for helping with Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland’s Big Bag Challenge campaign. With Pall- Ex’s help we are aiming to collect an additional 500 charity bags from across the county. This kind of support really does make a difference because every penny raised locally is spent locally.”

Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland is a local charity that promotes the well-being of older people by helping to make later life fulfilling and enjoyable. It is committed to maintaining the dignity, privacy and independence of older people by providing a range of relevant services which meet the needs and wishes of local people.

To find out more about Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland and the work they do, click here.

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